Hair Oil is a outcome of reasearch & development of Dr Rekha to solve the hair fall problems of the patients suffering with hair fall from various hormonal imbalance and many without any cause for hair fall. Hair Oil is completely herbal with mixtures of 8-10 various distinct oils & some Homoeopathic medicines. Hair oil is completely a hand made home product of Dr Rekha and has proved effective for many patients when used regularly. This Hair Oil can be used on regular basis insteated of just using a regular coconut oil. Hair oil sutaible and safe for use for both men & women.
This product is exclusively available at Precise Homeopathy and given only on doctors advise. In case of hair loss from harmonal imbalance it is advisable to take homeopathic treatment at our clinic to get best results. So please talk to doctor once on a phone call before ordering the product.
This Hair Oil is purely a hand made home product and is not available for purchase in market or for bulk orders. This hair oil is only for the patient or the members registered at precise homeopathy.